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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-05-20 16:24:01  浏览:9943   来源:法律资料网
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(State Administration of Taxation: 28 December 1993)

Whole Doc.
1. Scope of Taxation
(1) Value-Added tax shall be levied on forward transactions in goods
(including commodity futures and precious metal futures).
(2) Value-Added Tax shall be levied on the business of selling gold
and silver by banks.
(3) Value-Added Tax shall not be levied on financing and leasing
businesses, whether or not ownership of the leased goods is transferred to
the lessee.
(4) For precast concrete components, other structural components or
building materials produced by a factory or workshop affiliated to an
infrastructural construction unit or an enterprise engaged in construction
and installation and used on construction projects of that unit or
enterprise, Value-Added Tax shall be levied at the time when the products
are transferred for use. But for precast components produced at the
construction sites and used directly on construction projects of that unit
or enterprise, no Value-Added Tax shall be levied.
(5) Value-Added Tax shall be levied on sales of dead articles in pawn
for pawn business and sales of consignment goods on behalf of consignors
for consignment business.
(6) Value-Added Tax shall not be levied on sales of original copy of
cinematographic films, video tapes and audio tapes arising from the
transfer of ownership of copy-right as well as sales of computer software
arising from the transfer of the ownership of patented technology or
nonpatented technology.
(7) Value-Added Tax shall not be levied on the supply or extraction
of unprocessed natural water (such as the supply of water from a reservoir
for agricultural irrigation and the self- extraction of underground water
by a factory for use in production).
(8) Value-Added Tax shall levied on sales of philately stamps and
first day covers by postal departments.
(9) Value-Added Tax shall be levied on the business of sewing
2. Basis of Tax Computation
(1) Deposits collected by a taxpayer on packaging materials leased or
lent out in the sales of goods and that are recorded and accounted for
separately are not included in the sales amount for tax levy. But for
deposits that are not to be returned as the packaging materials are not
collected when due, Value-Added Tax shall be levied at the tax rate
applicable to the packaged goods.
(2) For taxpayers adopting the method of selling goods at a discount,
if the sales amount and the discount amount are separately specified on
the same in voice, Value-Added Tax can be levied on the sales amount after
deduction the discount. If the discount amount is specified on a separate
invoice, the discount amount shall not be deducted from the sales amount,
no matter how the financial treatment is handled.
(3) For taxpayers adopting the method of selling goods by exchanging
new products for old ones, the sales amount shall be determined based on
the selling price of the new products in the same period.
For taxpayers adopting the method of selling goods for repayment of
principals, the expenditures on principal repayment shall not be deducted
from the sales amount.
(4) In case the sales amount of a taxpayer is determined on the basis
of the composite assessable value according to the regulations as its
selling prices are obviously low or no selling prices are available, the
cost plus margin rate in the composite assessable value formula shall be
10%. However, for goods on which a Consumption Tax shall be levied at a
rate on price value method, the cost-plus margin rate in the composite
assessable value formula shall be the cost plus margin rate prescribed in
the .
3. Thresholds for Small-scale Taxpayers
(1) "Sales amount" mentioned in Article 24 of the Detailed Rules
concerning the threshold for small-scale taxpayers refers to the sales
amount for the small-scale taxpayers refers to the sales amount for the
small- scale taxpayers prescribed in Article 25 of the said Detailed
(2) "Taxpayers engaged principally in the production of goods or the
provision of taxable services and also in wholesaling or retailing of
goods" mentioned in Article 24 of the Detailed Rules refer to those type
of taxpayers whose sales amount from sales of goods and taxable services
exceeds 50% of total annual taxable sales amount, while the sales amount
of wholesaling and retailing businesses makes up less than 50%.
4. Businesses with a fixed establishment selling goods in a different
county (or city) shall apply for the issuance of an outbound business
activities tax administration certificate from the local tax authorities
where the establishment is located and shall report and pay tax with the
local tax authorities where the establishment is located. Businesses
selling goods and taxable services in a different county (or city) without
the outbound business activities tax administration certificate issued by
the local tax authorities where the establishment is located, the local
tax authorities where the sales activities occur shall impose a tax at the
uniform tax rate of 6%. After the sale amount is brought back to the place
where the establishment is located, the sale amount arose in the selling
places shall still have to be reported and subject to tax in accordance
with the provisions. The tax paid in the selling place shall not be
deducted from the amount of tax payable of the period.

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2005-05-26财政部 国家税务总局


财政部 国家税务总局









第一条 为加强内部审计监督工作,规范内部审计行为,维护经济秩序,促进廉政建设,根据《中华人民共和国审计法》、《审计署关于内部审计工作的规定》、《云南省内部审计条例》等有关法律、法规和规章,结合西双版纳州实际,制定本规定。

第二条 本规定所称的内部审计,是指单位内部审计机构和人员独立客观地监督和评价本单位及所属单位财政、财务收支及其他经济活动的真实性、合法性和效益性的行为。

第三条 本州行政区域内资金管理量较大或者资金使用量较大的下列单位,应当设立内部审计机构,开展内部审计工作:


 (二)国有及国有控股企业;




第四条 设立内部审计机构的单位,可以根据需要设立总审计师,配备与审计任务相适应的审计工作人员。内部审计机构的审计工作人员不少于2人。

第五条 内部审计人员应当忠于职守,客观公正,廉洁奉公,依法审计,保守秘密。

第六条 内部审计人员依法行使职权,受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得干涉、拒绝、阻碍内部审计人员依法实施审计,不得打击、报复、陷害内部审计人员。

第七条 州、县(市)审计机关指导和监督本行政区域内的内部审计工作。


第八条 在内部审计工作中做出显著成绩的内部审计机构和人员,由州、县(市)审计机关及其有关单位给予表彰奖励。

第九条 内部审计机构应当单独设立,不得设立在单位财务会计机构内。


第十条 内部审计人员与被审计单位(人员)或者审计事项有利害关系的,应当回避。

第十一条 内部审计机构和内部审计人员,在本单位权力机构或者主要负责人的领导下,独立行使内部审计监督职权,对本单位权力机构或者主要负责人负责并报告工作。


 第十二条 内部审计机构应当配备具备一定审计、会计、经济和工程技术等专业知识的工作人员,并保持相对的稳定。

 内部审计人员由本单位按照管理权限任免。内部审计人员的专业技术职务,按照国家有关规定评定和聘任。

 专职内部审计人员的外勤工作经费标准比照同级审计机关的有关规定执行;兼职审计人员的外勤经费由其所在单位根据实际情况确定,但不得超过专职审计人员的外勤经费标准。

 第十三条 内部审计机构的主要职责:

 (一)贯彻执行审计法律、法规,并结合本单位特点,制定单位内部审计制度和实施办法;

 (二)提出本单位内部审计工作规划和年度工作计划;

 (三)组织指导本单位内部审计工作,组织本单位内部审计工作会议、审计人员的培训,理论研究及有关资料的编写工作,总结推广本单位内部审计工作经验;

 (四)负责本单位内部审计机构、审计人员、审计成果及其他有关资料的统计汇总工作;

 (五)对本单位内部控制制度的建立健全和执行情况进行审计监督;

 (六)对本单位经济活动中重大的、带有普遍性、倾向性的问题进行审计调查;

 (七)负责本单位及所属单位的资产、财务计划及收支、经济效益、经济责任、基本建设、重大经济合同的审计及其他专项审计;

 (八)对本单位及所属单位执行国家财经法规情况进行审计监督;

 (九)办理审计机关和本单位权力机构或者单位主要负责人交办的审计事项。

 第十四条 内部审计机构和内部审计人员的主要权限:

 (一)要求本单位及所属单位有关机构按规定报送经济活动、财务分析、会计报表等有关文件资料;

 (二)检查本单位及所属单位的会计凭证、账册、报表、核实资产和财产状况,查阅有关账户和资料;

 (三)参加本单位及所属单位的有关会议;

 (四)向被审计单位及有关人员调查取证;

 (五)向被审计单位提出改进经营管理建议,并对违反财经法律法规的行为提出处理意见;

 (六)检查监督被审计单位对审计法规的执行情况,必要时可以开展后续审计,督促审计结论的执行;

 (七)对可能转移、隐匿、篡改、毁弃会计凭证、会计账簿、会计报表以及其他与财政收支或者财务收支有关资料的,经主管单位权力机构或者主要负责人批准,可以暂时封存有关的账册资料;


 (九)法律、法规和规章规定的其他权限。

第十五条 内部审计机构应当根据本单位的具体情况,制定年度审计项目计划和实施方案,报经本单位权力机构或者主要负责人批准后实施。

 第十六条 内部审计机构应当根据批准的项目编制审计实施方案和审计通知书,并在实施审计3日前送达被审计单位。涉及个人经济责任的审计项目,应当抄送被审计对象。

第十七条 内部审计机构对审计事项实施审计后,应当提出审计报告。审计报告应当征求被审计单位(人员)的意见,被审计单位(人员)应当自收到审计报告之日起10日内提出书面意见,逾期未提出意见的视为无异议。


 第十八条 被审计单位应当执行审计决定。对审计决定有异议的,可以向内部审计机构所在单位的权力机构或者主要负责人提出申诉。单位权力机构或者主要负责人应当自收到申诉申请之日起30日内作出答复。申诉期间,原审计决定不停止执行。

 内部审计机构应当督促被审计单位执行审计决定,被审计单位应当向内部审计机构报告审计决定的执行情况。

 第十九条 内部审计机构应当将本单位的年度审计计划、审计报告或者审计决定、年度工作总结报送同级审计机关备案。

第二十条 内部审计机构对办理的审计事项,应当建立审计档案,并按照有关规定管理。

 第二十一条 内部审计机构或者内部审计人员隐瞒审计中查出的问题,或者出具虚假的审计报告、审计决定,由县级以上的审计机关责令改正,并建议有关部门追究相关责任人的责任。

第二十二条 内部审计制度不完善、管理混乱、造成资产流失严重的部门和单位,由主管部门依法追究主要领导人的责任,构成犯罪的依法追究刑事责任。


第二十三条 违反其他规定的单位和个人,依照内部审计有关法律、法规、规章的规定给予处罚。

 第二十四条 本规定以外的其他单位开展内部审计工作,参照本规定执行。

 第二十五条 本规定由西双版纳州审计局负责解释。

第二十六条 本规定自2010年5月1日起施行。
